
Detailed information about my courses is available to University of Sheffield students through Blackboard.

PHY332: Atomic and Laser Physics

This is a third year core module which covers hydrogen and multi-electron atoms, radiative transitions, and the basic principles of lasers. The course closely follows my textbook published by Cambridge University Press.

The course lecture notes can be downloaded using the link below. These are provided for the benefit of students and instructors at other universities. Note that this is not necessarily the most up-to-date version of the notes.

Download (PDF, 4.4MB)

PHY475: Optical Properties of Solids

This fourth year option covers the optical properties of metals, semiconductors and insulators, following the treatment given in my textbook of the same name. The module can also be taken as part of some MSc courses, and within the Doctoral Development Programme.

PHY1002: Magnetism

I teach the magnetism part of the first-year core module PHY1002 in semester two.